Friday, January 3, 2014

Things I Learned From 2013

 I could just say flat out "2013 was one of the worst years of my life thus far," I think that would sum it up, but the explainer that I am feels the need to entertain mainly myself and whoever else ventures here (because none of my people even know I blog). So here we go:

1. Appreciate free time/be ok with losing control

2013 was the year that I truly understood the essence of being a bum. I wasn't entirely so, I mean I did technically have about three different jobs for the latter part of the year, but I'm so used to being in demand and knowing what I was doing. This year felt so out of my control. I didn't know why I wasn't being allowed to be as proactive as I wanted. I just couldn't fathom why someone with my level of smartness, both book and otherwise, didn't have a a steady source of income or purpose for living.

2. Be a more discerning person

I have never had so many people take advantage of me as much as in the past year. I've been swindled out of money by employers and family, and been given so much false information, it's ludicrous really.   I've decided, however, it's best to learn this now at 23, than be bitter later on in life.

3. Know that I deserve more

I ended a long relationship in 2013 because it wasn't good for me. No need to sit and accept bad things from another person. If it isn't working out, you let it go. Also, going into the future, I'm going to start demanding more, I'm pretty amazing and I shouldn't allow certain things to happen to me.

4. God may not always give me what I want

I needed to relearn this, I guess. I sometimes question what God is doing, because I feel like I've learned this already. I've had many a disappointments in my time and at times I just want to ask God "What's the deal?" I mean, I get it, you go through bad to appreciate the good, but does the bad have to be that frequent? I guess I have more to learn here.

5. Failure is just a part of life

I failed at my weight loss goals, I failed my driver's test (this one wasn't my fault, but I digress), I failed at attaining a secure job, and I could go on some more, but that might make me forget the lesson and be mad all over again. I mean I haven't had this much failure all at once as far as I can remember, but they say success is a part of life too, right?

6. Don't forget the naysayers

I was going to say 'haters' instead, but that word has been too saturated into our society. Those kinds of people, however, serve two purposes. I believe I learned how to tune out the wrong reason. Their two purposes are 1) to provide a crowd for you to say "Suck It" to when you achieve what they said you couldn't and 2) to make you feel so terrible about yourself so you stop pushing toward the direction of your goal. Choose the purpose you prefer. I personally like proving people wrong, love it, even!

I learned quite a lot but I also came into 2014 with other questions, like "is honesty really the best policy?", "should I do a big chop?", "Will I ever get my driver's license?", "should I pledge my allegiance to pescatarianism or should I continue eating meat?", you know big life questions here lol.

I'll leave that for 2014 to respond